Spring Sale! 10% off all Kicksleds + Accessories!* Discount applied at check out. Click to learn more.

Where to kicksled?


First, we are so excited that you are interested in kicksledding! We love getting out on our kicksled and can't wait to meet more people on the trails, lakes and sidewalks on kicksleds! 

Lakes & Ponds

The kicksleds can be used in a couple of different ways. For fall and spring, they can be a lot of fun to use across lakes and ponds. The plastic snow runners can be removed from the sleds, giving you steel runners that will glide across the ice.

When crossing any bodies of water be sure to exercise extreme caution and avoid thin ice. In Alaska, it is tempting to use your kicksleds to access glaciers. While this is a beautiful thing, be smart and use common sense. Glaciers are active and always moving and calving. Give them space. 

Trails & Sidewalks

When the snow starts flying, you will want the plastic runners back on the kicksled. The plastic runners are durable and hold up quite well to a variety of conditions. We often use our kicksled to commute to the grocery store, using sidewalks. If there are road crossings without snow, we give the sled a slight lift as it will not work on pavement. 

For recreation, we take the sled out on trails throughout town. We like to use the mixed-use trails at Kincaid Park and over by Campbell Airstrip Road. We really enjoy kicksledding around Sand Lake and Jewel Lake, too. Please only take your kicksled on mixed-use trails. Our nordic ski community works hard to maintain trails specifically for nordic skiing. Learn more about trails in Anchorage at the Anchorage Nordic Ski Association website (here).

Here's a couple of ideas:


  • Potter Marsh
  • Westchester Lagoon
  • Coastal Trail
  • Ship Creek Trail
  • APU Trails
  • Hillside Park Mixed-Use Trails
  • Kincaid Park Mixed-Use Trails
  • Power Line Pass at the Glen Alps Trailhead
  • Eklutna Lake Trail
  • Alaska Botanical Gardens


  • The moose meadow in Girdwood, as well as the sidewalks in Girdwood, are all very kicksled friendly. We highly recommend making a trip to Girdwood with your kicksled. 
  • Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
  • Portage Lake

Outta Town

  • We've enjoyed renting forest service cabins and using our kicksled to access them. There are countless trails and places to explore in Alaska. We can't wait to hear and see where you take your new kicksled!
  • Rabbit Slough/Wasilla Creek
  • Palmer Hayflats
  • Reflection Lake