Spring Sale! 10% off all Kicksleds + Accessories!* Discount applied at check out. Click to learn more.

Kicksled Talkeetna

A group deserving of its very own page. The kicksled community in Talkeetna is an inspiration! If you live in Talkeetna, frequent the area or are planning to visit in winter: we suggest checking out the Kicksled Talkeetna facebook page. This active group posts times to meet, trails for kicksledding and conditions of trails. 

Talkeetna offers miles and miles of winter multi-use trails. Kicksledding is fun way to access more trails. If you are planning to kicksled in Talkeetna, consider donating to the Denali Nordic Ski Club. They maintain and develop many trails in Talkeetna, and provide great signage along the trails.

As always, when kicksledding, please only go on designated multi-use trails. Kicksleds are not permitted on designated nordic ski trails. Before you go: Know trail conditions, be prepared for the elements and pack appropriate safety gear.

A couple fun loops to try:

  • The Erratic: Access from Whigmi trailhead
  • Dipper Slough: Access from Powwow Road Trail (please respect private property in the area)